Pathway to your Wellness Journey

A journey is often lengthy.

It will not happen overnight.

But you can see results even with your first visit.

  All journeys begin with a single step.

Here’s how to take yours.

The Egg: 15-minute introduction FREE!

Let’s talk. Learn about alternative medicine while we learn about you. Let’s chat about your needs, goals, and how we can help.

The Caterpillar Phase:

90-minute consultation

We will perform a thorough examination and look deeply into your concerns, issues and complaints. Then, we will create a treatment plan, uniquely designed for you, specifically to get you on the pathway to better health.

Chrysalis Phase:

60-minute treatments

This is the longest part of the journey. We will set up a treatment schedule that fits your needs, in 60-minute intervals. The plan may include additional treatments such as herbs, home exercises, and suggested lifestyle changes.

Flight of Freedom: Continual care

In time you will begin to see a change. The beautiful butterfly will emerge and you will feel like an entirely new person, free to fly with a renewed energy to achieve your goals and desires.

We will assist you with continual therapies that may include continued use of herbs, follow-up visits, and informational classes.

Take the Next Step